Borrachão: Consist in keeping the rear wheel friction (high spin) and the ground.
Waxing: maneuver in the pilot for the zerinho, drag one of its hands without ground.
Degree: Several maneuvers where a motorcycle rear wheel with not without ground.
Joelinho: A bike is built with the knee support, usually the pilot can do this maneuver curves.
No hands: Fly and control a bike without hands.
No front: maneuver where the equipment does not have a front (wheels and walking sticks).
A hand: Fly and control a bike with one hand.
RL: there are different modalities of RL, this is fly a bike, but with a front wheel without ground and coordinating the front brake.
Graze: where the rider in UFPA, rears scraping a barbecue without ground, generating sparks.
Superman: in this maneuver a motorcycle is supported on the barbecue (graze) and stretches the body and drags the feet without ground with a bike in motion.
Surf: maneuvering in the pilot climbs at the Bank and driving with no hands.
zerinho: consists in maintaining the degree with a motorcycle in a circle.
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