segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2016

How to wheelie: 1- bike

How to wheeling a bike

  1. 1
    Wear your protective gear. You won't need the same level of protection when practicing on a bike, but it's always good to practice safely. Make sure you're wearing a helmet, at the bare minimum, and knee and elbow pads if you want to be really careful. While starting wheelies on a bike may seem totally harmless, you can still take some bad spills and hurt yourself.
  2. Image titled Do a Basic Wheelie on a Motorcycle Step 2
    Practice while riding uphill. Start at an easy gear. Two or three is probably best, so there won't be too much excessive pedaling. The hill shouldn't be too steep, but learning on a nice, gradual slope can help you maintain your balance and keep your front wheel in the air.[2]When you're learning to wheelie, your pedaling may become spastic, causing you to fall off the bike. The resistance of pedaling uphill will counteract those forces. That way, when you practice on flat ground, you'll maintain a straighter trajectory of motion.
    • It's not necessary, but it is easier to practice on a mountain bike, rather than a BMX bike. Their back wheels are much more stable, and the front of the bike will come up more easier. The large wheel base will also make you feel more powerful.
  3. Image titled Do a Basic Wheelie on a Motorcycle Step 3
    Maintain a comfortable speed on flat ground. This speed will vary on a case-by-case basis, but you can aim for somewhere between 5-10 MPH Moving too quickly might cause you to lose control when you're only on one wheel. If you go to slow, however, you may not have the momentum to properly lift the front into the air.
  4. Image titled Do a Basic Wheelie on a Motorcycle Step 4
    Pull your front wheel into the air. This will require some brute force from your upper body, as well as some powerful pedaling. Crouch over your front handlebars to prepare to pull up, and don't forget to look forward. Once you have the handlebars in the air, lean your weight back and continue pedaling. You may lose balance or not keep it up for long, but eventually, you'll feel yourself sinking into the wheelie for a longer period of time.
  5. Image titled Do a Basic Wheelie on a Motorcycle Step 5
    Maintain your motion in the wheelie. Once you've gotten the front wheel in the air a few times successfully, you'll want to start riding the wheelie for longer. When you're in the air, soften your grip and extend your arms. You also want to use your rear brake to adjust your leverage while in your wheelie. Some people keep the rear brake held for the duration of the wheelie, while others simply tighten their grip on it when they feel the front wheel coming too high into the air. The harder you push on the brake, the harder you'll have to pedal to keep your front tire in the air.

Um comentário:

  1. KOLÉ PAE, tu eh um mito msm,k abraços do karióka... obs: Roubei sua carteira pq sou Carioca.
